Our Platform is a Little Bit Different. We are Investors and Company-Builders. Every Decision Starts and Ends with Our Core Values.

Highlands, North Carolina


We are singularly focused on delivering outsized risk-adjusted outcomes. Said differently, doing what we told investors we were going to do. This requires commercial scrappiness, intense focus and gumption. Results above all else.

Creating Value vs. Extracting Value.

The businesses we admire most grow by creating value in everything that they do, bringing things into the world that consumers want and need, rather than finding ways to extract value from the system. This is what drives consistent, durable investment returns through cycles.

Recruit and Train the Best People.

This starts with a unique, extensive hiring process that brings exceptional people, each with different backgrounds, stories and perspectives around the table. And continues with a support system and enormous opportunity for growth, responsibility, and ownership. 

Good Judgment Starts and Ends with Discipline.

Emotion is the enemy of winning investment decisions. Patience when things don’t make sense, aggressiveness when things do make sense, and self-awareness of what we know and don’t know are critical to our process.

Question the Norms and Status Quo.

We are constantly asking ourselves the question: why is this done this way and is there a better way to do it? We can’t reinvent the wheel for the sake of being different, but we will always push ourselves to find and create the optimal outcome irrespective of what others are saying and what others are doing.

Always Think 10 Years Down the Road.

Our dedication to long-term decision frameworks pervades every corner of our business. Investment decisions, capital structure, transaction negotiations and team building. We lead with a relentless focus on outcomes ten years from now, not ten days or ten weeks.

Focus on What Matters and Dig Deeper.

Once we identify a target market or asset, we mobilize our team to live and breathe the destination. We combine our boots on the ground insight with our financial and data-driven insight to determine what really matters over the long-term and how we go deeper than everyone else.

Honesty in Everything We Do.

We’ll never hide from a mistake, hide from what we don’t know, or hide from fundamental change. We are voracious truth-seekers in everything we evaluate, new assets, new hires, and ourselves. We embrace breaking, fixing, learning and constantly improving.

And a Few Other Things We Care About.

Do the right thing, work hard, have fun, build stuff people want, the little things matter, always ask questions, be creative, find a way, set the bar high, and no egos.