Our Relationships with Other Hotel Owners are Built Over Many Years, with a Foundation of Uncompromising Honesty, Trust and Respect.

Mendocino, California

The People.

Everything starts with people, their families, their partners, and their community. We understand that everyone needs to get to know us just like we need to get to know them. That takes time and that matters to us.

The Properties.

We understand that you’ve poured your heart and soul into your property. The same way we’ve poured our heart and soul into our business. We admire this, we respect this, and you’ll feel that in everything we do.

The Process.

To let go of something that matters so much to you. To figure out exactly what your property is worth. But it can also be exciting. It can be a life changing event that supports you and your family for generations. And it can also be a relief to get rid of something that has been a headache.

The Outcome.

We are honest, respectful and flexible, by running an efficient, transparent process that provides a solution tailored to your needs. We’ve been deliberate about establishing an approach to the relationships we build with partners and sellers. So we can be the type of buyers that we hope to sell to someday.

  • Trustworthy

    Our reputation is our most valuable asset. Nothing is more important to us.

  • Capitalized

    We are actively investing from a committed fund of discretionary capital raised specifically for these types of properties.

  • Simple

    Transactions and partnerships work best when they are simple and straightforward.

  • Direct

    Our three person investment committee serves as our sole decision-makers.

  • Flexible

    We are solution-providers. And tailor each transaction to exactly what you need.

  • Long Term

    We are patient, long-term partners for 10+ years.